In addition to producing proprietary IP, Acheron is also a creative factory available for select third-party projects. Leveraging our artistic and commercial expertise (+2 million euros in crowdfunding in less than three years), we are open to external partnerships as a Creative Agency. If you have an ambitious creative project and need an artistic partner or help to launch a Kickstarter campaign, contact us by filling out the form below!
We specialize in:
We work with the most important Italian fantasy writers and we can design successful novels or series, from the initial draft to the final text, from graphics to cover, and even translate them into English using native speaker translators and editors, ensuring the highest quality throughout every step of the process.

Our games are published in twelve countries, presented at major world fairs, and have won numerous international awards. We can create a title from scratch or develop it if you already have a winning idea, through a versatile team of authors, screenwriters, game designers, graphic designers, and illustrators.

Brancalonia II
Lex Arcana
Brancalonia 3
Kickstarter Launches
We can help you launch your artistic product on Kickstarter. In less than three years, we have raised over two million euros in Kickstarter campaigns, and we can organize your entire marketing campaign, launch, fulfillment, and customer care.